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Changing an Appointment Time


A: I have a doctor's appointment scheduled with Dr. Smith, and I need to change it.
B: What day did you have it scheduled for?
A: My appointment was on Tuesday.
B: What time was it scheduled for?
A: It was for two o'clock in the afternoon.
B: I see your appointment. What day would you like to switch to?
A: I would like to switch it to next Friday.
B: What time would you like?
A: I would like to come in at 10:00 in the morning.
B: Fine, I will pencil that in right now. We will see you then.


A: I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Smith, and I can't make it on that day.
B: What day was your appointment on?
A: My appointment was on Monday.
B: What time had you chosen?
A: It was for 10:00 in the morning.
B: I am looking at your appointment right now. What day would you prefer?
A: I would prefer next Thursday.
B: What time would be best for you?
A: I want to come in at 2:00 in the afternoon.
B: I am writing you down for that time. We look forward to seeing you.


A: Good morning, I made an appointment with Dr. Smith, but I have to change it.
B: When you made your appointment, what day did you choose?
A: My appointment was on Wednesday.
B: At what time was that appointment?
A: It was for 4:00 in the afternoon.
B: I can see the appointment that you had. What day do you need to change to?
A: I want to change to next Tuesday.
B: What time would you prefer?
A: I would prefer three o'clock in the afternoon.
B: I will put you down for that time. Thank you for calling to reschedule.


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