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Nutrition of Foods


A: I really need to start eating healthier.
B: I have to start eating better too.
A: What kind of food do you usually eat?
B: I try my best to eat only fruits, vegetables, and chicken.
A: Is that really all that you eat?
B: That's basically it.
A: How do you stick to only those foods?
B: Actually, fruits and veggies are really good for you.
A: Yes, I know, but what about the chicken?
B: I mainly eat baked chicken, because there's not a lot of fat.
A: That does sound pretty good.
B: I know it does, and that's because it is.


A: I think I may try to eat a little better.
B: I changed my diet recently, and I eat a lot healthier now.
A: What do you eat?
B: My diet consists mainly of fruits, veggies, and chicken.
A: That's it?
B: Just about.
A: How is that the only thing that you'll eat?
B: You know that fruits and vegetables are very healthy foods?
A: So, what about the chicken?
B: I bake chicken because it's a healthy way to eat it.
A: That sounds delicious and nutritious.
B: You should try it. You won't be disappointed.


A: I need to stop eating such unhealthy foods.
B: I know what you mean. I've started eating better myself.
A: What foods do you eat now?
B: I tend to stick to fruits, vegetables, and chicken.
A: Those are the only things you eat?
B: That's basically what I eat.
A: Why aren't you eating anything else?
B: Well, fruits and vegetables are very healthy.
A: And the chicken?
B: It's really healthy to eat when you bake it.
A: I guess that does sound a lot healthier.


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