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Being Arrested


A: I don't understand why I'm being arrested.
B: You have a warrant.
A: A warrant for what?
B: Apparently, you have a bench warrant.
A: What does that mean?
B: You missed a court appearance.
A: I wasn't aware that I had to go to court.
B: I don't know what to tell you.
A: I don't find this fair.
B: Life isn't fair.
A: Don't I have any rights?
B: You have the right to remain silent.


A: Why are you arresting me?
B: There is a warrant out for your arrest.
A: What kind of warrant?
B: You have a bench warrant.
A: What is that?
B: Have you missed a court date?
A: I never went to court.
B: I can't help you.
A: This is unfair.
B: A lot of things aren't fair. That's life.
A: I have rights, don't I?
B: You have the right to an attorney.


A: Why am I being arrested?
B: You have a warrant out for your arrest.
A: I don't have a warrant.
B: My computer shows that you have a bench warrant.
A: I don't know what a bench warrant is.
B: You apparently missed a court appearance.
A: I was never told to go to court.
B: There's nothing I can do about that.
A: This isn't fair.
B: That's life.
A: What about my rights?
B: Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.


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