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Turning Homework in Late


A: Excuse me, Professor. I have to talk to you about why my homework didn't get done.
B: What happened that you didn't get it done?
A: I had to watch a football game instead.
B: Well, you had more than one day; couldn't you have fit it in on another day?
A: Yes, I think so.
B: Either way, I only allow one missed assignment per semester. When will you be turning the make-up in?
A: I'll make it up next week.
B: Fine, but it cannot happen again if you want an “A” in the class.
A: OK, I can do that.
B: Remember that you are in college now, not high school.


A: I don't have my homework today.
B: You usually are good about turning it in; what happened?
A: I was really sick.
B: But couldn't you have done it when you felt better?
A: Yes, I probably could.
B: You have already missed one other assignment; when can I expect the make-ups?
A: Next class meeting.
B: That will be soon enough, but make sure you get next week's assignment in as well, all right?
A: That would work for me.
B: Good. I know that you are capable of being an excellent student.


A: Let me tell you what happened to my homework.
B: OK, go ahead--what is the excuse THIS time?
A: Actually, I did it, but then it got lost.
B: Could you have gotten it done at another time?
A: Yes, I could.
B: You have never missed an assignment before--when will you be making this one up?
A: I'll make it up early next week.
B: That would work, but don't let it happen again.
A: I'll try.
B: That will solve it then. Let's work hard to not let it happen again.


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